冬雪电视剧,"上海联孚新能源科技有限公司,是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的高新技术光伏企业。主要从事地面太阳能电池组件、光伏发电系统相关产品及汽车太阳能应用技术的研制、开发、生产、销售、服务。www.lian-fu.cn公司总部及研发中心位于上海市浦东新区中邦工业园王桥路1003号,生产基地位于松江大港镇威氏工业园。As a high-tech photovoltaic enterprise Shanghai Lianfu New Energy Science and Technology co. Ltd combines the research development manufacture and sales as a unite. It mainly deals with the research development manufacture sales and service of solar modules in the ground photovoltaic power generation system-related products and the technology of automotive application of solar power. With its products being widely accepted by customers the company has successfully entered the international market. It now has the annual solar cells output of 50 MW and is planning to build the research and manufactory projects of silicon mate。

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